Some women find nothing worse than driving a car that breaks down. They may spend their nights asking the Lord Jesus Christ to bless them with the newest Town and Country knowing good and well that God would have to work a miracle greater than Parting the Red Sea for that prayer to become reality. Yet I love and admire women with such great faith. Right now my vehicle is very unpredictable, one moment everything is fine. The next my car is jerking and shaking so badly it feels as if I'm riding in one of those old wooden roller coasters at Cedar Point. But breaking down for me isn't all that horrible. My last breakdown one would image to be the worst of them all. I was on I-75 heading over the bridge over to I-96. Every warning light in my car flashed like Christmas lights as I pushed my poor baby across all four lanes of I-96 cutting off a semi in the process. POP! I heard the engine give up as a cloud of black smoke polluted the air. At first I wanted to be angry especially since I had a final the next day. Now I was stuck on the freeway with no books so I couldn't even study. Secondly, I had to figure out how I'd get to school the next day to take the final!
But I dismissed my fears and began to comfort myself with a box of chewy candies. I opened my passenger side door and closed my eyes. I suddenly realized that sitting on the side of the freeway was much like being at the beach. I discovered that the sound on each car swooshing by was like the oceans waves crashing against rocks emitting a cool breeze that made whispers of my air fly up. Only this beach had no sand and had no water, about the only thing it had WAS rocks mixed with glass and other debris that the shoulder of I-96 held. I suddenly thought I totally rather break down on the freeway than on a street with merely two lanes. I have my reasons... one the freeway has 4 whole lanes if I break down in one of them traffic can still keep moving at regular speed in the other 3. The street doesn't permit such freedom nor space. Number two the street in no way resembles the beach . Do I enjoy breaking down? Not at all. But does it make me angry?? NOPE! My car suddenly stopping is the only spontaneous thing that happens in my life. It causes a rush of adrenaline not knowing if I'll make it to the side of the road in time or simply sit in the middle of I-96 waiting like a damsel in distress for my handsome prince to come and rescue me. (joke more like Deedee's AAA) I love my Ford Focus but I'm afraid it's just like everything else in my life inconsistent and unreliable.
by: Ja'Nise Washington