Although now twenty, I have yet to find myself engulfed in romance. I have never been in a relationship nor on a date. Although the world may consider my view of dating as oddly outlandish or completely ridiculous I find it to be quite rationally logical in everyway. I think it to be totally insane to hop from one girl/guy to the next whether it be the excuse of looking for a husband/wife or just wanting to have "fun" (with peoples emotions unintentionally). Dating has become so overated in the 21st century. I have to ask myself what exactly is a girlfriend/boyfriend, I mean if I were to be in a relationship what is the role I would play; especially if it is a blind relationship (which I will soon define for you.) The question I still can find no answer to today is.... how will a series of short term relationships define, help, or enhance the one relationship that matters most MARRIAGE? No wonder why the divorce rate is so high in America because after 2 months husbands are bored with their wives. . or vise versa. Am I bashing those who have gone through divorce absolutely not, i'm bashing the word "dating" or rather how many people define the term. Sure being Apostolic may have alot to do with how I view the term but in my eyes we are the very ones abusing it most (speaking more to my generation of youngsters more so than anyone else) Is God not suppose to be about every decision that we make? Yet when it comes to this I guess we are free to go with what we "feel" rather than asking for direction! I guess this would be a good time to pause and define "Blind Relationships" a blind relationship is two people or it could be just one person within the relationship with no intention or no purpose of knowing this girl/guy for a reason; they're just a phase.. she/he definitely is not marriage material in there eyes. She is just what he wants for the moment (or vise versa) then he'll move on once he finds a "prettier" phase!
I am always posed with this question when I explain my take on dating.... Well how will you ever find someone to marry if you never date?
Well DUHHH can't it be that hard of a question!?!? :) Number one I will never date some random guy just because............ My husband if I ever shall have one will first be my friend,, then my best friend, then...... most likely if we like each other the dates will began to see if their is meant to be more. But the dates will began with a purpose, their will be a point and we will be on the same page. NOO every relationship doesn't have to be this way of course and I'm sure if he is not the one I'll date someone else but the POINT I'm trying to emphasize is dating shouldn't be randomly sharing your heart and emotions with someone just because. That is a waste of time, and emotion that could have been avoided. There are times in our lives where God wants us to be single.... so we can focus on loving him with our WHOLE entire heart, being single (is hard i know lol) is a lovely gift but so many don't realize it, nor take advantage of it!!
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